Home again
Home? What does that mean? Some might call me crazy for asking this question and say: "What do you mean? It's the place where I was born. The place where I grew up, where my family lives." But is that really it? As I was thinking about the meaning of home, the lyrics of Michael Kiwanuka's soulful song came to my mind.
Home again, home again. One day I know, I'll feel home again.
by Michael Kiwanuka
And basically that's it. With these two phrases, he explained what I consider as home. It's more than where you were born, it's more than where you grew up, it's more than a place.But most importantly it's a feeling.
Of course, most of us would consider the place where we grew up as home. But if you think of it, it's more like the colourful childhood memories we have, spending time with our family and friends. The places we connect memories with. Memories we connect feelings with. Feelings we connect home with.
Have you ever had this special experience of arriving at a new place and you just felt like you belong there? As though, you've been there before? The certainty that this was your home. I am sure. Home is a feeling. A feeling of comfort. A feeling that all the important things in your life surround you.
These feelings we have, are all inside of us. This means home is within each one of us. It's a universal feeling. Because of its universality, you can feel it around the globe. So basically, you can feel it everywhere. Home can be everywhere!
- xo, MadVoyage
© featured image by PhotoPassion by Minu Ab